Independence Paranormal Society

 David Norris

          Originally from Marshville N.C now living in Charlotte. I've witnessed a lot of paranormal activities since I was a child. Now I want to learn the truth and help others.


Joy Norris

           Born and raised in Charlotte. I've experienced a lot of activities as an adult. I believe that I may be sensitive. My first experience was at the N.C battleship. I've seen the blood in the medical quarters and it played like a movie in my head. I went back to the hotel with my husband after getting lost even though we followed the path and started hearing voices. It was like my body was at the hotel and my spirit was at the battleship. I had to tell them the trutheven though one in particular didn't want to believe. I had to tell them to go to the light. After that day it's like my eyes really opened to the truth of what gift I've always had. Like it needed a trigger. Now I just have to learn how to use it.


Ronnie Thomas

           From Clover S.C and experienced many paranormal activities. My cousin died in 1975. I believe that my cousin visited me and my wife the night he died. He came down the hall and sat at the end of the bed and I began to hear heavy breathing. My little boy was down the hall and began to cry. I felt the bed lift up and I turned on the light. I went down the hall to check on the baby and I saw my cousin standing in the doorway, he loved kids. He disappeared and my son was looking up at the corner of the room and laughing. A stuffed animal was with him and I remember kicking that same toy under his crib earlier that night before leaving to go to bed. I then took my family out the house and ran towards my mother's house that was 3 houses down. We met in between our houses and she broke the news to me that my cousin had just passed around 2:00 a.m that morning, which was around the same time I saw him.



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